LU Directions for completing the SAGs 10-11

Instructions for Completing the CAS Self-Assessment Guide (SAG)

Purpose and Organization of the Self-Assessment Guide (SAG)

The Self-Assessment Guides(SAG) translate functional area CAS Standards and Guidelines into a format enabling self-assessment. Educators can use this Guideto gain informed perspectives on the strengths and deficiencies of their programs and services and to plan for improvements.

SAG Worksheet Format. CAS standards and guidelines are organized into fourteen components.

Part 1. Mission

Part 2. Program

Part 3. Leadership

Part 4. Human Resources

Part 5. Ethics

Part 6. Legal Responsibilities

Part 7. Equity and Access

Part 8. Diversity

Part 9. Organization and Management

Part 10. Campus and External Relations

Part 11. Financial Resources

Part 12. Technology

Part 13. Facilities and Equipment

Part 14. Assessment and Evaluation

A rating scale designed for assessment purposes is displayed following the standards and guidelines, along with a series of criterion measures to be rated. Making performance judgments by applying the rating scale to individual items (criterion measures) is the first step in assessing the program.


Understanding the CAS Standards and Guidelines


CAS Standardsrepresent essential practices as formulated by representatives of multiple professional associations concerned with student learning and development in higher education. CAS Guidelines, on the other hand, are suggestions for practice and serve to elaborate and amplify standards through the use of suggestions, descriptions, and examples. Guidelines can often be employed to enhance program practice. Following a long-standing CAS precedent, the functional area standards and guidelines published in CAS Professional Standards for Higher Education (2009)andpresented in this SAG are formatted so that standards (i.e., essentials of quality practice) are printed in bold type. Guidelines, which complement the standards, are printed in light-face type. Standards use the auxiliary verbs “must” and “shall” while guidelines use "should” and “may.”


Judging Performance


Assessment criterion measures are used to judge how well areas under review meet CAS Standards. These criterion measures are designed to be evaluated using a 4-point rating scale. In addition to the numerical rating options, Not Rated (NR) and Not Done (ND) ratings are provided. This rating scale is designed to estimate broadly the extent to which a given practice has been performed.





ND 1 2 3 4 NR

Not Done Not Met Minimally Met Well Met Fully Met Not Rated

Under rare circumstances, it may be determined that a criterion measure used to judge the standard is not applicable for the particular program (e.g., a single sex or other unique institution that cannot meet a criterion measure for that reason). In such instances, a ND rating can be used and the rationale for excluding the practice reflected in the criterion measure presented in the self-study report. The NR response can be used when relevant data are unavailable to support a judgment. In such case, additional evidence or clarifying discussions can be gathered and the rating changed. Justification for criterion measures that represent CAS standards rated ND or NR should be provided.

Overview Questions following each of the 14 Parts


Please provide brief notes and comments for each of the Overview Questions following the criterion measures to be used by the Self-Study Coordinator when writing the complete Executive Summary and Action Plan. You may use the space on the SAG itself or provide separate pages, should you need more space.

* Please note that this document includes language that is taken directly from the CAS 2009 Self-Assessment Guides (SAGs) with revision and adaptation for internal use at Longwood University

Associate Dean for Student Affairs; 2010-2011 Page 2